Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Miracles Are Happening...

I guess I'll take this moment to be a little transparent and share that this last week has been kind of difficult.  Nothing earthshattering has occured, but my emotions have been in the tank.  Every woman has a right to that now and then, I suppose.  But I'm not used to it, I don't like it, and I wish it would go away!  A lot of devastating things have happened recently, and because of social networking and other media, "burden-bearing" can become overwhelming.
This morning I read a story that brought me an extra dose of encouragement, and I wanted to share it.
photo from picture window
Dale was enjoying a swim in the ocean with his church youth group when he was taken by a rip tide.  He was gone for twenty minutes, but a miracle happened.  You can read the story by clicking this link- picture window.  The photos are amazing. 
Dale's friends have also set up a blog to report recent happenings - Prayers for Dale.  Although it's difficult to understand why God answers prayer in different ways - some through healing, some through suffering, some through death - He knows what is best. 
While I'm on topic, I would ask my friends to put Anna Lewis on their prayer list.  She the young wife of one of my childhood friends here in Lima.  She and Justin have a little boy, and Anna was getting close to delivering her little girl when she had a biking accident that forever changed her life.  This occurred approximately three weeks ago.  Most of you are thinking the same thing I thought, "Biking at 9 mos pregnant???"  They are avid bikers, and she had continued to do this throughout the pregnancy with no problems.  This particular day, she was following Justin, and he when he swerved to avoid a curb, she hit his back tire.  She immediately cradled her stomach with her arms, and the back of her skull hit the concrete twice.  The baby was taken by c-section, and Anna was kept in an induced coma, with brain trauma and without much hope.
Just two days ago, we received word that as she slowly was brought out of sedation, miracles began to occur.  She is responding (as much as possible with tubes, etc.), and Justin was able to tell her that she had been out for two weeks, had a baby girl, and had brain surgery.  He showed her a picture their little boy and the baby girl, and she was captivated.  He couldn't take it anymore, and brought the baby in for her to see.  She raised her head and kissed her little angel. 
The extent of permanent damage isn't yet known, but God is helping Anna, and she is going to have a story to tell, that's for sure!  Please keep her in your prayers.


  1. Both stories are amazing! They are reminiscent of Jack Budensiek's injury and miraculous recovery. Praise the Lord for his miraculous healing!

  2. Thanks for sharing the miraculous story of Dale Ostrander. I am sitting here, nearly bawling over this story.
    Yes, my emotions are in the "tank" as well. I am a mess. I hate being this way!
    (Shall we go together and cry in our Super Butter Bear's @ Biggby's ? :))
    It's so VERY encouraging to hear about this miracle and the miracles being performed in Anna and Jack's lives.

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