Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Good Old Summertime

In the good old summertime, in the good old summertime.
Strolling through the shady lanes with your baby mine.
You hold her hand, and she holds yours,
and that's a very good sign.
That she's your tootsie-wootsie,
in the good old summertime.

What a light-hearted lyrical portrait of the wonderful months we call summer!  My memory recalls it as one of my very first piano pieces, and it's funny how those things never seem to be forgotten.  Although I haven't been able to spend too much time strolling through shady lanes holding hands with my 'baby', we have had some special family times in the last 5 weeks.  Being able to attend church camp together was the highlight.  As we were watching one of the archived services today, the kids were wishing we were back at camp.  It was such a good 10 days.  But, life moves on and it is up to us to take the encouragement we were given and use it to bless others. 
As the hours and days of summer roll by, I wince at the stacks of coupons uncut, the books unread, and the projects incomplete.  I am one of these types that looks forward and has all sorts of mental plans and expectations for myself.  Summertime is my oasis of rejuvenation.  It is a complete change of schedule (in some cases a complete lack of schedule), and if I have a task that seems overwhelming, I save it for summer...after all, I'm 'off work' and will have countless open hours at my disposal.
Any mom knows that mindset isn't exactly realistic, but from summer to summer I seem to forget how the moments become gobbled up with a few extra minutes spent snoozing in the morning (or afternoon), unexpected visits, phone conversations with friends, and endless daily meals for kids who are always hungry.  Added to that for this summer is many extra hours helping one of my students reach a goal, coordinating vbs, taking my boys to band camp, and spending a couple of days assisting my grandmother in a yard sale.  Then, of course, there is my lengthy list of personal goals, many of which will not be accomplished.  And I'm ok with that...most of the time.  :)  A selfish moment here or there will find me lamenting my lot, but when I am able to bring things into focus and understand that all my days are first God's days, and when I accomplish the things that He deems important my time is nothing short of well spent, I am fulfilled. 
So, I should probably start getting up a little earlier in the morning, moving a little more quickly from task to task throughout the day, and better organizing my moments to be more effective if I intend to accomplish all of my goals...maybe I will, and maybe I won't...after all, we are right smack in the middle of the good old summertime!


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