Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Little Blessings

I'm amazed every day by the way God chooses to bless those who live according to His principles. Not that it is a new concept, just one that is beginning to affect me in a very personal way.
I know that this is something that people probably get sick of hearing about, but a couple of years ago, I was introduced to Dave Ramsey's radio show and consequently have listened to and read after him religiously (basically, financial issues fairly quickly become spiritual, so I don't feel guilty for it).
Although we haven't consistently put his principles into practice, I have gleaned much practical truth from them, and have begun to do some things as simple as to wait a little bit before making even small purchases, in case something better comes along. We tend to be able to live without a little more than what we think. :)
Here are a couple of blessings that have resulted from that just within the last week:
~Allison's black dress shoes were a little tight. I hated to spend the measly $ it took to buy a new pair, so I held out for just a few days, and to my surprise, another mother came to me with 2 grocery bags full of shoes. Most of them fit her or will fit her soon. Some still had tags, and all were in great condition. So...I got 1 pr. of black dress shoes in the bag plus at least 10 more that I didn't even really need.
~I hate buying pantyhose. I have to wear them during the winter unless my skirts are long, otherwise I freeze. They are expensive and I have to have a certain brand. Don't criticize me unless you have had to buy them to fit a shape like mine...I know there are cheap hose out there, but I can't have them splitting out every time I cough! Ha! The brand I buy has hit $5 at WalMart, and that's just a little too much for me to want to dish out. So, I waited...even wore knee hi's (hate 'em). Today, while at Dollar Tree buying some little things for my nieces, I found what must have been a closeout of my $5 pantyhose. I got an pile of them...$1 each!
~Kaitlynn needed a new winter coat. I hate shopping for coats, about as much as I hate buying pantyhose, and I know the really good prices won't happen until closer to Christmas...or so I thought. Last Saturday, I decided to take the dreaded plunge. We went to Sears first, basically because we entered at that end of the mall, and would you believe that there were 2 racks of heavy, beautiful girls coats for $19.99! I figured they had the weight of a jacket, but after checking everything out, found that they were as heavy and warm as the real expensive coats. I wanted to get brown (once you are the mother of four, you determine that even if pink is prettier, it shows dirt...brown and black are the bomb!), but our store didn't have the brown in Kait's size. She was bummed, so we ran to Penney's to look. Nothing cheap, nothing we liked. I called Valerie, who was out by Eastgate Mall in Cincy, and gave her the description. She was able to buy one there, and send it home with a friend who just happened to be travelling back to Lima the next day! So Kaitlynn has the $55 coat she wanted @ the fantastic price of $19.99.
It's amazing how things happen when you choose to make wise decisions. I know that these are small things, but they are just a sample of the blessings we have had this week!
Has God done something very special and very practical for you lately? I'd love to hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome, Steph! I recently needed shoes too by that Sunday, so I told the kids ,"Last time we went in to Once Upon A Child, there was not a good selection, but let's pray & ask Jesus to help us find the right pair." Found a brand new pair, just the right size for $4!

    Trying to eat healthier & more organic, but it is also more expensive. I could go on and on about coupons, sales, etc... that God has provided for us to help with the cost. Krogers is awesome at having Great Sales on Organic products, usually on Mon. or Tues. I can find the best sales!

    Also, have found some needed items on a Yahoo group. Dresser, 2 MATCHING desks for my office, clothes, Tupperware cups, hanging file folders I need & probably more. :-)


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